Monday, November 7, 2011

How To Hire A Collection Agency: Turning Your Accounts Receivable Into Cash

How To Hire A Collection Agency: Turning Your Accounts Receivable Into Cash
by Takara Alexis

Since the start of the recession, businesses have had to a deal with reduced cash flow. This problem becomes even more critical when you are owed money and your debtors refuse to pay. In this situation it may be best for you to contact a debt collection agency in order to make sure that your company can remain profitable for years to come.

The first step is a classic: open up the yellow pages and search for a collection agency that is close to you. Each state has different rules for collecting debt, so it is best to go with somebody who's knowledgeable of the rules of your area. The agency could be called a variety of different things: debt collection agency, credit collection agency, bill collection agency, or a debt recovery agency. They all do the same thing, so you shouldn't worry about the name.

Once you have a list of potential debt collection agencies, do a little bit of online legwork in order to flesh it out. Most companies have a website nowadays, so you can go here to learn about rates as well as their areas of expertise.

The next step is a bit more complicated, but so is collecting bad dept. You should ask friends and local businesses to see if they have worked with any debt collection agencies and if they have any suggestions or horror stories they can share with you. Accounts receivable is one of the most important parts of any business, so you should make sure that you're working with a reputable company.

Now you should have a list of your top debt collection agencies that you should organize a face-to-face meeting with in order to make sure that these are the type of people that you want to work with. You should make sure that you have worked out what percentage of the bad debt the collection agency will take as their fee, what sort of tactics the debt agency will employ, and that they have experience in debt collection.

Once you have done this, go back to focusing on what makes your business great!

The Good Type Of Debt

The Good Type Of Debt
by Brian Burke

Debt can be categorized into two different groups: good and bad. Good debt is when money is borrowed and invested into something with potential future value. The amount of risk that exists will determine if the debt is good or bad. The key factor is the value of the investment that is made. Is the money loaned going to rise in value as an outcome? If your answer to this is yes, then the debt is good. There is a great potential in a strong collection of promising debt.

Many people take out debt, and for some very excellent reasons. One major debt of the current population is made up of student loans. If you receive a college degree, you significantly increase your potential income when you get a job. In today's world, even landing a job is a huge accomplishment. For example, if you take out a loan of $10,000 and end up landing a job where you make a salary that is $15,000 higher than what you would have made without the background education, you made a solid investment. You always want to have a plan, though. Don't just go to college because you don't know what you want to do and have no plan on pursuing a general career.

If you go to school and your future job doesn't have to do with your education then it may have been a waste. If this happens and you are unable to make payments, a debt collection agency will be responsible for collecting the payments. Until more recently, taking out a loan to buy a home was almost always a good investment. Throughout history, buying a home has been a good investment because property values usually increase. Taking out a mortgage is a very common way that people are able to pay for a home. It is a good idea to pay off this type of debt as soon as possible because of the way that mortgage payments are arranged. The way that they work is by having heaving interest weighted in the earliest few years of the loan.

Debt that comes without previous thought carries a higher amount of risk. Although you may be hesitant with some of these investments, there are certainly cases when you should incur a loan based on an emergency. Large, necessary home repair is a prime example. If you don't take care of a problem from the start, problems may soon begin to pile up on each other. Another example would be a health emergency. Personal health should always be a priority and should be taken extremely seriously, obviously.

Debt is definitely more intricate than this, but you want to always make an educated and well-thought-out plan regarding the risk that is being taken. You want to work out an fixed plan of payment back that you are sure you will be able to afford. Should a problem arise, it is a good idea to search for a debt collection agency. Debt collection would be the result of a poorly planned investment. The main aim is always to minimize risk while maximizing profit.

Debt Settlement, Done Your Way

Debt Settlement, Done Your Way
by Brian Burke

Although it is not typically done, it is possible for a consumer to duplicate imitate the methods used by a professional debt collection agency. There are definitely instances of success where people negotiate a debt settlement for themselves. These negotiations can be initiated by calling the customer service department of the credit card Company or by contacting the debt collection agency. The most frequent time that a credit card company will deal with a customer directly is when they are behind on payments but capable of making a lump sum payment. In this case, a payment plan is not an alternative. The credit card company will only accept a lump sum payment of the settled amount.

If you don't have the ability to pay the lump sum payment of your account then the advantages of settling a debt become restricted. One plus is that by negotiating your own debt, as a debtor you are able to save in fees that would have otherwise been paid to a debt settlement company. This way of working also gives the debtor a lot more power over the process. This could, or could not, be a motivational dynamic to continue working through the process.

The disadvantages are much more plentiful in this situation. Certain creditors will not settle directly with customers according to their or policies regarding debt settlement. Also, consumers may not be able to acquire as good of rates as they would through a debt collection agency. Customers could also face greater difficulty getting in contact with decision makers. This would result in long delays in any negotiations or paper work processing.

Debt settlement companies have a customer service department that supports the consumers with any questions or difficulties that arise. This support provides a great amount of value, especially in cases when the creditors become persistent. Any type of unfamiliarity of the settlement process can lead to slip-ups. You always want to be aware of any fine print and make sure that all correspondence and proposed settlement or agreement is carefully reviewed.

It is suggested that any settlement agreement is overlooked very carefully and by a third party. This will help to make sure that all terms are those that were agreed upon by both parties. It should be known that settling ones debt is an emotionally draining and very difficult process for those who are not professionally experienced. You should certainly weigh all options when deciding to take on the debt settlement or employ an outside service when dealing with a creditor or debt collection agency.

The Right Collection Agency

The Right Collection Agency
by Malik Toppins

As a motivated entrepreneur I had done very well for myself in the real estate market. I was able to acquire many homes and work spaces in need of a little care and fix them up to be ready for companies to occupy. This was working very well for me and allowed me to support my wife and three children for a handful of years. Unfortunately, the market began to flop and my luck began to run out.

Many of the residents that I worked with began to skip out on payments and it was severely hurting my income. The litigation involved with collecting the funds that were owed to me were becoming increasingly expensive and very time consuming. It seemed as though my choices were running thin and I was in need of some help.

I began to search through collection agencies, but was not impressed with any of the agencies I found. Most of the collectors I found all suggested that they were confined to collections within certain states. They also seemed very secretive about their methods of collection.

Finally, a friend of mine recommended Rapid Recovery Solutions as the perfect answer for me. Rapid Recovery Solutions were very open about their professional methods of collection and were licensed to collect in every state in the U.S. as well as many locations internationally. What impressed me even more about Rapid Recovery Systems was that there is no upfront charge like the other collection agencies I had researched. In fact, there is no charge at all until your money has been collected!

Rapid Recovery Solutions is not like the other agencies that are not concerned with building trust with their clients and perform their collection services the way any other bill collector would. They work with the belief that trust will be built through performance and results. For an agency with a collection rate that is among the highest in the industry, I find that to be one of the most impressive qualities.

Helping Hands In Collecting Debts

Helping Hands In Collecting Debts
by Amir Mullick

Debt collection services are one of the most beneficial aides for a business because they not only save you time, money, and effort, but they also give you the most professional solution to recovering your debt prosperously. Administering debt collection is a receptive topic whether it is in everyday life or between high profile businesses. In addition, specialized knowledge and industrial experience is key in recovering debts, and these attributes are best associated with a collection agency.

Regaining funds from a source can be extremely time consuming with the quantity of phone calls and the multitude of numbers that need to be managed just make collection that much more difficult. By hiring a collection agency, all the tasks and problematic communication with the debtors are no longer something you need to worry about as a business. A debt collection service will take on every duty of retrieving the funds and on top of that, they'll do it befittingly.

Furthermore, the last thing any business wants to do is lose more money in an attempt to recover debts. A debt collection agency, although not free, will be economical compared to hiring a lawyer. Not only do lawyers have large fixed rates, lawyers also tend to take a longer time with their processes. Hiring a professional and well trained debt collection agency would be the most financially preferable decision.

Debt collection is seldom an easy mission. Whether it is between two friends or two businesses, there are always socially correct and lawfully just manners to going about recovering debts. Correct language, manners, and patience are important in debt collection. All of that takes a lot of effort because debt collection is mostly a series of phone calls and depending on how willing your debtor is to returning the money, these phone calls can become extremely time consuming and irritating. A collection agency will take on the task of contacting the debtor at all times necessary and will communicate professionally while keeping records of all calls and conversations so that no lawful issues befall.

Last but not least, debt collection requires experience as well as unconventional knowledge of the businesses, laws, and insurance. With years of practice in recovering money, as well as highly trained employees who comprehend the communication limits between a collector and debtor, debt collection services will be the perfect helping hand for any business in pursuit of their money.

Friday, November 4, 2011

International Debt Collection: Debt Recovery Services Overseas

International Debt Collection: Debt Recovery Services Overseas
by Michael Gillen

International debt collection has its own pitfalls, but it's a crucial part of any debt recovery services plan. In the global village in which we live, it isn't realistic to assume to all of your debtors are going to remain within the United States. Considering our history as immigrant nation, it makes sense that people will have connections in foreign countries and, if they no longer want to repay their debt, they could end up skipping town.

The first thing you should remember is that, even if a person has fled to another country, international debt collection is still possible. In fact, it is a growing field. You don't stop owing money just because you moved to a different town, so it makes sense that the same would follow if you were living in a different country.

International debt collection has numerous problems specific to it that must first be addressed. The simplest and most obvious is the language barrier. If you're attempting to do research on a client that lives in Japan, it makes sense that you gain the services of somebody who is fluent in Japanese. Although the old adage is that everybody speaks English, not everybody speaks it well enough to discuss something as complicated as debt collection.

Next you should figure out the laws that are in place regarding international debt collection in the country you're trying to work in. Take, for example, the laws regarding bounty hunting. Whereas bounty hunting is a legitimate last resort in the United States, it is illegal almost everywhere, at least if done by a foreigner. Obviously, you do not want your debt collection to end in your arrest, so you should work on learning all you can about the country you are trying to find your debtor in.

Finally, it may be best for you hiring a professional agency to handle your debt recovery services, especially if you are trying to perform international debt collection. Debt collection is a highly regulated activity, so it makes sense that you work with an expert that will know the ins and outs of international debt collection.

How Do Collection Agencies Work?

How Do Collection Agencies Work?
by Justin Maas

From time to time you may come into contact with a collection agency. Often times people get upset at the collection agency for pursuing them, but that's because they don't comprehend how a collection agency works. The main goal of a collection agency is debt collection. It is their job to get the money you owe back to the creditor. Don't kill the messenger.

The first thing you should know is that collection agencies often work based off of a commission. This means if they don't get you to pay the money you owe they don't get paid themselves. This is why a collection agency will bug you week after week If they don't bug you then you won't repay your debt and they won't get paid. When a collection agency isn't making any money they go out of business. Debt collection is the one way they can make money, so they make damn sure they collect the debts sent to them.

Next you should understand the primary ways a collection agency works to recover a debt. They will most often contact you either through the mail or over the phone. The letters they send are usually form letters that just have your name and the amount of money you owe placed in a blank space. The letters are almost never written in a mean tone. They are just there to remind you about the money you owe and show you that steps towards debt collection are being taken. The phone calls will be the same thing, just a reminder that you owe the money and it needs to be paid before further actions are taken.

If you don't pay attention to the letters and calls from the collection agency they may take you to court. This isn't what you want to happen as it can lead to you losing your personal belongings and having your wages garnished. It is necessary to know that a collection agency can absolutely do more than just send letters and make phone calls. Make sure you are aware of this and don't force the collection agency to take more serious actions.

Now if you are ever forced to come into contact with a collection agency you will have a better understanding of what they do and why they are doing it. Do not ignore them as it can only lead to more problems for you.

A Sign Of The Times - Increasing Numbers Of Debt Collection Agencies

A Sign Of The Times - Increasing Numbers Of Debt Collection Agencies
by Eileen McGovern

As the economic climate in the United States continues to worsen, the more debt collection agencies are called upon to aggressively chase on behalf of their clients. Specialized collection agencies are sometimes needed in order to recoup certain kinds of debt.

There are two increasingly dominant types of collection agencies - medical collection agencies and credit card collection agencies. These types of agencies are sought after are an accurate reflection of the tough financial situations that many Americans find themselves facing. As the amount and rate of personal debt increases, so do the amounts of people who default on their bills.

The cost of medical care is only ballooning. As more individuals struggle to pay their medical bills, with the growing costs of medical insurances, medical collection agencies face the serious task of trying to collect hundreds of millions of dollars. From co-pays to expensive medical treatments and especially to medication, cash-strapped Americans are increasingly unable to pay these bills.

Credit card collection agencies are rapidly increasing as people increasingly turn to credit cards to pay for everyday costs. Bills that would normally be paid in cash or regularly paid down are being relegated to credit cards. Credit card interest rates grow with missed payments, and fees pile on top of each other until the debt appears to be insurmountable. As the consumer continues to add debt in the form of fees and missed payments to their account, credit card collection agencies are engaged to chase down the debt, particularly if the person stops paying altogether.

As America continues to flounder economically, so do its citizens. Bills which Americans were formerly able to pay are delayed or not paid at all. Two of the predominant divisions of collection agencies are credit card collection agencies and medical collection agencies are being increasingly utilized in attempts to recoup money. The increase in the need for these agencies is a sad commentary the state of the country's economic decline.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hiring A Collection Agency: Business Debt Collection Made Easy

Hiring A Collection Agency: Business Debt Collection Made Easy
by Michael Gillen

It's a problem as old as business itself: sometimes you have delivered a product or service, but your customer refuses to pay all or part of the cash owed. Short of only accepting cash upfront (hardly an option in this day and age), everybody who runs a business is going to have to deal with this problem on a frequent basis. When you have exhausted all other options and you feel that you're ready to take the next step, your best bet is contacting a professional collections agency that can help you get the cash that you deserve. Here are a few tips on how you can make sure that the debt collection agency that you hire is the best fit for you.

The first step is an oldie but a goodie: look through the yellow pages and search for a collection agency that works in your area. Every area might have different rules for collecting debt, so it is better for you in the long run to hire somebody who is knowledgeable of the rules and regulations governing debt that are in place in your area. When looking for agencies, remember that they can be called a variety of different things: debt recovery agency, credit collection agency, debt collection agency, or a bill collection agency. Each of these does the same thing, so you should not be concerned about what it's called.

Once you have made a list of potential debt collection agencies, fire up your computer (well, it should be on now if you're reading this). The vast majority of companies have a website these days, so you can go on to them in order to learn about rates as well as their individual areas of expertise.

What you have to do next is a bit more complicated, but so is collecting bad dept. By asking friends and local businesses to see if they have worked with any debt collection agencies and if they have any suggestions or horror stories to share with you, you will get a nice list of companies that would be best for you to work with. Your accounts receivable is one of the most critical parts of your business, so it makes sense that you would only want to work with a very reputable company.

Now that you have a list of your top debt collection agencies, you should organize a face-to-face meeting with them so that you can make sure that these are the sort of people with whom you'd want to work. This meeting should focus on things like rates (what percentage of the bad debt that the collection agency will take as their fee), the kind of techniques the debt collection agency will use, and finally that they have experience in the sort of debt collection you are trying to do in the location you're working in.

Once you've finished these steps, you can finally get back to actually making the products or performing the services you sell. Debt collection is important, so hiring a debt collection agency is a great way to stay focused on what you should be: your business.

The Art Of Skip Tracing

The Art Of Skip Tracing
by Takara Alexis

If you aren't sure what skip tracing is, then don't fret. The term skip tracing is a term used throughout the industries of debt collection, bounty hunting, private investigators, detectives, journalists, and anyone that is in a profession that searches for specific people. The term comes from the American idiom to "Skip Town". The people who "skip", are the people being searched for.

Information gathering is the essence when it comes to skip tracing. There are many databases to find information on the subject, and are utilized constantly. Other than the subject itself, the data can be used to locate parties related to the subject, in order to get them to assist in identifying and locating the subject.

Examples of ways to Skip Trace: ZabaSearch, an online resource. Telephone directories. Marriage Licenses. Death Certificates. Real estate records. Checking if the skip has children in school, then checking the school district. Check Licensing agencies pending on the profession of the skip. Check unions if the skip was in a union.

Finding out as much information as possible about the skip is essential, then deducing the information to locate said skip is the hopeful final result. One specific tactic used by skip tracers is pretexting. Pretexting is the action of pretending to be someone else in order to extract information from others. Much of pretexting is legal, however in some cases it is illegal to use pretexting. This tactic requires the skip tracer to be a very creative person, in order to get the exact type of information they want without tipping someone off who they actually are. In general, states will have different laws about skip tracing, so if you are learning how to skip trace, make sure to check with your state on what you can and cannot do.

There are many types of skip tracing. This includes finding missing husbands and wives and other family members. Maybe you need to find someone who is in thousands of dollars of debt with you. When you need to find a person, a skip tracer is someone you will go to for help.

Collection Company Pros

Collection Company Pros
by Nicholas Sorrentino

Customers who take their time with payments have become prominent these days. Unpaid dues or bad debt is a necessary problem for all organizations which further lead to restricted cash flows and hinder the growth of the business.

Collection companies play a vital role in settling differences between the debtors and creditors. They act as resolutions for both ends. The collectors offer services to creditors and ensure that all their debts are collected within the shortest time possible. They also assist debtors and help manage their bills in an organized way.

These agencies are an advantage for all businesses as they are experts in the collection of unpaid dues from delinquent customers. They save valuable time and assets that can be used for business growth. Occasionally, collection agencies will purchase the debt from the creditor. However, usually all that the collection agencies acquire is the right to carry out the process of debt collection.

It's important that one should visit these organizations over the Web to know the services being offered. Many companies have special training programs for their agents for handling their clients with much care and better understanding.

The main goal of these agencies is to make sure all payments made by the debtors reach the creditors within the shortest time and, no bills are left unpaid. When one hires the services of a collection agency then they have an agreement that lets the agency takes on the responsibility of tracing the debtors and collecting the debt abiding by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

Small businesses are hesitant to ask for unpaid dues too strongly. This is because they aren't familiar with the rules and regulations of collecting debts. They are not clear on how and when to ask for payment that is overdue. Another reason for their hesitancy is the fear of losing future business with the customer. It is where the debt collection companies come into the picture.

Obtaining A VA Loan

Obtaining A VA Loan
by Takara Alexis

If order to obtain a VA loan, you will need to set up specific conditions and requirements in place. You might have the privilege of obtaining a VA loan but you still have to meet a few requirements.

Firstly, see to it that you are eligible. Being eligible for a VA loan requires that you have war experience and that you have been in active duty for a certain time-frame. You may not be a war veteran but you can still be eligible if you are a personnel who has served the military for at least 6 years.

Bankruptcy or foreclosure is another requirement to consider. While this does not necessarily forfeit a veteran if he can set his credit rating with a year or two, there are certain things you need to adjust with your credit score. There are actually lenders and agencies who are flexible in their aims and will still support you even with bad credit or in the face of bankruptcy. Then again, you still need to do what you can to improve your credit score in order to increase your chances of qualifying for the loan.

Once you get eligible for a loan, you can then go on and look for lenders who will provide you with enough amounts of loan. There are regional offices and other lending institutes who can give you the advice that you need. You can also hire a mortgage broker to help you do the job. Once you find a reputable lender, you can proceed to the process of choosing a home and making a deal with the seller or agent for that matter.

Credit rating is another thing you should keep in mind. If you are a veteran, then you must have at least a credit score of 580 in addition to having credit. You can establish a compromise when it comes to these things. Credible records like utility bills and other financial records would also be good substitutes for credit history. They may also spare you the credit rating should you be disabled.

As you can see here, getting a VA loan is not a hard process as you are eligible and happen to meet requirements mentioned above. In addition to this, you could require a certificate of eligibility in order to assure that you are really an eligible applicant. There is a number of good information which you can find online in order for you to get the best results.

International Debt Collection Calling? Make Sure You Pick Up

International Debt Collection Calling? Make Sure You Pick Up
by Lynette Pettinicchi

With the not so booming economy, international debt collectors have to find new ways to get people to pay what they owe. Consumers might not be shopping and spending as much cash anymore, but they are not paying off what they spent in the past. International debt collection is on the rise but consumers are turning the other cheek when being contacted.

International debt collectors commonly have offices in various different countries with markets expanding. There is no escaping them. Each collection agency has their own strategies of making consumers pay their debt, but are very similar. No one wants to hassle someone for money just as much as the consumer wants to hear it. International debt collection agencies make sure they communicate in the debtors' language to there is no misunderstandings. So when you get that first demand letter in the mail? Respond to it, because it just gets worse from there. If you have ever seen the movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic" you'd know.

The first mistake a debtor makes is thinking that just because someone is calling internationally they will never have to pay. Wrong. A debt collector, regardless of where they are located, has all the information of what you owe, where you live, your phone number, and even a credit report. Usually after the first letter goes unanswered, the international debt collection agency will call you. And ignoring that call will not make them go away. A collector may call a debtor every week or even every day. If those calls go unanswered and no money is coming in that's when international debt collectors become irritated.

An upset debt collector is not a person you want to deal with. Think of it as having a younger sibling when you were a child and you didn't give them the toy they wanted right then and there. Not exactly the time of your life. The next step is to get a visit. An international debt collection agency will send someone to visit you to find out why there has been no response or money coming in. At that point, there are two choices. To begin a payment plan with the agency or they will refer you to legal services.

International debt collection is going to be on the rise until the job market opens back up and the economy is not in a downfall. If you're one of those people who owe money, don't ignore the debt collector. Because remember, it starts out with a letter and ends in court.

Some Tips And Tricks For Working With A Collection Agency

Some Tips And Tricks For Working With A Collection Agency
by Michael Gillen

Owing money is never fun, and neither is working with a collections agency. However, it is something that most of us will have to deal with at some point in our lives, so here are a few tips and tricks in order to get you through the process with as little pain as possible.

1) Avoid a Collections Agency: This one is pretty obvious and, if we were all able to do this, then we wouldn't need articles like this. However, many people are surprised to learn that once you owe money, it doesn't immediately go to a collections agency. Since debt collections agencies take a cut of any money recovered, most companies would rather not deal with them. If you call the people to whom you owe money and work out a plan with them you may avoid debt collection agencies altogether.

2) Certify Your Mail: You do not have to be told that letters often get lost in the mail. By sending things certified mail, you will have proof that you have done everything in power in order to do what you're supposed to do.

3) Communicate: Many people try to avoid dealing with their collections agency. The truth is: no matter what happens, you're going to have to deal with them eventually, and it's advantageous to get your debt collection plan worked out as fast as possible. At the very least, this way you will know what you have to do.

4) Hire a Lawyer: This would probably only be a good idea if you owe a lot of money, since lawyers can be expensive. However, if you have a lawyer, the debt collection agency is required to deal with them instead of you, which is a great way to avoid any headaches. Also, if your case does go to court, you would do best to have a lawyer in your corner to help you work your way through the legal morass that could develop.

If there is one last piece of information I could leave you with, it would be that you're realistically going to have to pay your debt and avoiding it will only make your situation worse. If a debt collection agency is calling you, do your best to work out some sort of plan with them, even if it's only a little bit of money each month. If your case does go to court, your wages could be garnished, as well as a variety of other problems. Simply put, a bit of preemptive communication is worth its weight in gold.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Link Building Strategies

Link Building Strategies
by Justin Maas

Link building is a search engine optimization technique that looks to increase your website's prominence in search engines. By having a large amount of links that go back to your website search engines will place you higher and higher in the results for keywords relevant to your website. There are tons of different methods for link building, some legitimate and some illegitimate, and I will outline a few of them here.

The first method and probably easiest to do is reciprocal link building. Find a website that goes along with or seems complementary to your website and contact the webmaster of the site. Ask him/her to place a link to your website on theirs and explain why you think it would be beneficial for both of you. Before you contact the webmaster be sure that you already have a link to their page on your website as this will show them you are serious about creating a mutual partnership. It is also a good idea to send them a link to your website in the email that they can copy and paste to make sure they don't accidentally build a non-working link on their website.

Another way to build links to your website is to give people a reason to link to you website. Provide content that people will want to read or see and make them link to your website because they want to. If you can get you website to be seen as a thought leader you will see links to your website increase. This method is time consuming and not easy as it takes time and effort to generate content that is worthwhile. This can be done through article marketing which involves writing articles that are useful that have a link to your website at the bottom.

One link building strategy that is a bit time consuming is becoming active on message boards. Find a message board that is based around a topic related to your business or industry and become and active member. Post and reply as much as possible and become a very visible member of the message board. Include a link to your website in your signature and your website should see and increase in traffic and prominence in search engines as there will be many links going back to your website.

Link building is time consuming, but very much an important part of creating a successful website. If you aren't on the first page of the search results you probably aren't going to be seen. Take the time to build a network of links that will give your site credibility and allow it to continue to grow.

Dubai Beginning To Actively Follow Social Media

Dubai Beginning To Actively Follow Social Media
by Takara Alexis

As you'll remember, last year the United Arab Emirates threatened to suspend BlackBerry services because they couldn't access encrypted email and messaging services. In a new direction, Dubai's Police Department began monitoring social media sites for signs of attempts to organize protests or strikes. This information comes from one of the nations police officers. The officer cited the large foreign laborer population as a major concern for the country. This process has gained impetus following on the heels of social media's major role in the Arab uprisings from the earlier part of the year and the recent riots in Britain.

Earlier this year social media flexed its muscle while helping to create change in the Arab world. Now however, it appears that more oppressive countries have begun to monitor social media enough to effectively squelch dissent. It is interesting to note that social media was effective in helping to cause riots in Britain, but has seemingly lost its power in places that need it more. Dubai is an interesting case of a progressive Middle Eastern country that appears to be regressing out of concerns for the ruling elite.

"Whoever spreads false or malicious news or statements or spreading propaganda which could upset public security could spend between one month to three years in jail," Colonel Abdul Rahim bin Shafi, director of the Interior Ministry's organized crime department in Dubai, told Reuters on Wednesday. He continued, "All media are being monitored, including social media. People can express their opinion without violating (social) norms. Twitter and Facebook were invented to make the world easier but if they were used adversely, the perpetrators will be punished by law."

Approximately 80% of the United Arab Emirates population is foreigner workers, mostly from Asia and the Indian Subcontinent in particular. In the past these workers have gone on strike over low wages and bad working conditions.

At least five activists have been arrested already on charges of incitement and insulting the country's leadership. This is part of UAE security's broader efforts to silence a group of activists calling for more democratic reforms.

Building Good Credit

Building Good Credit
by Takara Alexis

If you want to borrow money, you have to have a good credit history. The better your credit history, the higher your credit score and the lower your interest rate. You will find that with good credit comes an easier time at obtaining credit. Both young adults and those beginning to rebuild their credit must establish good credit histories. This can often be quite difficult. You might find that without a good credit history, it's a challenge to get a credit card, auto loan or home mortgage.

An established record of making payments towards loans and managing your credit wisely lets lenders know that you are reliable. If you have had financial hardships, lenders consider that you pose a risk of default. This results in either rejection or higher interest rates. Do not believe any company or a person that says you can quickly get a perfect credit history. This simply isn't true. It is something you have to work at. But the work isn't hard. It just takes a few wise moves and time.

In order to have a credit score at all, you must have a credit account open for at least six months that has been reported on. Start off on the right foot and you won't have to worry about your credit score.

The first step in establishing credit is to open a savings and a checking account. There doesn't have to be a large amount of funds in your accounts, you just need to show that you are financially responsible. This means that you need to make deposits and withdrawals over time. Be careful though, bounced checks send the opposite message. They show that you have a hard time managing your money.

You should get into the habit of paying your bills on time, every time. This means that you never miss a cable bill, a utility bill or a rent payment. While these don't usually get reported to the credit bureaus, a late payment or collection will probably show up on your credit report. Pay your bills on time and get into the habit. It'll benefit you when you do have credit accounts to make payments on.

One of the best ways to begin a credit history is by obtaining a secured credit card. You deposit money into a bank account at your bank, and that amount is your credit limit. The issuer will simply deduct the money owed if you default on your payments. This will build a credit history while showing you to manage money. It does not matter if you have a low credit limit, the key is to establish a credit history that shows good management. After about a year, you should be able to move on to an unsecured credit card.

Other options for starting off with credit include store credit cards and student credit cards. The limits will usually be low and the interest rates high. But if you pay the balance in full every month, you will not have to worry about interest. This is the best way to manage your credit cards. Don't charge more than you can pay in full. You only need one or two accounts to establish credit history. Do not go out and apply for everything you can. Use your credit cards wisely. There is no reason to have more than three credit cards. In fact, one is your best number. Having too many open accounts of one type can damage your score.

Collection Company Pros

Collection Company Pros
by Nicholas Sorrentino

Customers who take their time with payments have become prominent these days. Unpaid dues or bad debt is a necessary problem for all organizations which further lead to restricted cash flows and hinder the growth of the business.

Collection companies play a vital role in settling differences between the debtors and creditors. They act as resolutions for both ends. The collectors offer services to creditors and ensure that all their debts are collected within the shortest time possible. They also assist debtors and help manage their bills in an organized way.

These agencies are an advantage for all businesses as they are experts in the collection of unpaid dues from delinquent customers. They save valuable time and assets that can be used for business growth. Occasionally, collection agencies will purchase the debt from the creditor. However, usually all that the collection agencies acquire is the right to carry out the process of debt collection.

It is important that one should visit these organizations over the Web to know the services being offered. Many companies have special training programs for their agents for handling their clients with much care and better understanding.

The main goal of these agencies is to make sure all payments made by the debtors reach the creditors within the shortest time and, no bills are left unpaid. When one hires the services of a collection agency then they have an agreement that lets the agency takes on the responsibility of tracing the debtors and collecting the debt abiding by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

Small businesses are hesitant to ask for unpaid dues too strongly. This is because they are not familiar with the rules and regulations of collecting debts. They are not clear on how and when to ask for payment that is overdue. Another reason for their hesitancy is the fear of losing future business with the customer. It is where the debt collection companies come into the picture.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Collection Agencies And Conduct

Collection Agencies And Conduct
by Takara Alexis

When people are approached by a collection agency, many of them are automatically nervous. It's common to be nervous, since you literally have an entity reminding you that you have a debt to be paid. While it is legal to have collection agencies approach people in debt, many of the people who become nervous do not understand that there are certain laws that collection agencies must adhere to.

In the US, collection agencies have to abide by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. It was passed in 1978 and used to establish guidelines for fair debt collection practices to be made. Without these laws collection agencies would be able to harass you constantly from sunrise to sunset. So always make sure to know your rights, and what they are allowed and not allowed to do. There are also state laws that may affect collection agencies as well that differ from state, but here are a few from the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

Phone Contact- It is illegal to contact someone outside of the hours of 8am - 9pm local time. Deceit- It is illegal to misrepresent the debt, or pretend to be someone you are not, in order to intimidate the subject. (Such as pretending to be an attorney).

Abusive Language- Any profane language or abusive language is prohibited during communication related to the debt. Bad Debt List- It is illegal to put the name of the subject on a bad debt list.

Cease Contact- Once the collection agency has received a written notice that the subject wishes to prohibit contact, or refuses to pay the debt, it is illegal for the collection agency to continue contact with that person.

Attorney Contact- If you are represented by an attorney, they must contact the attorney. Persistent Phone Calling- Calling repeatedly calling someone is considered harassment.

Internet Advertising And Why You Should Use It

Internet Advertising And Why You Should Use It
by Takara Alexis

What will the future bring for advertising? Will it be more billboards, newspaper ads, movie plug ins, and other old fashioned methods? No, it will be internet advertising. Internet advertising will grow and grow, and be utilized far more than other mediums for advertising. Even through struggling times in 2010, internet advertising had over 22.8 billion in revenue, passing newspaper revenue for the first time.

Its overall revenue had also increased 15% prior to the year before, demonstrating its ability to grow even through tough times. One question persists. Why is internet advertising so effective? Immense penetration of the market. In the US alone, 78.3% of the population uses the internet.

Records. Marketers can now track the behavior of users online and pinpoint who to target and how. This allows even more specific and personal advertising, as opposed to sending messages to broader demographics.

Interactivity. With a mouse and keyboard, a consumer can get much more involved with a product as opposed to reading about it from a newspaper or watching a TV ad. With viral campaigns, and social games being a craze, potential consumers now come across online ads that they can share, play, customize, and more, getting more deeply involved with the product as time goes by.

Inexpensive. For the most part, online advertising is cheaper than most mediums of advertising (Especially Super Bowl half-time ads). Creative companies will also think of campaigns that are almost cost free, such as using a video service such as YouTube for contests, or their own home video campaigns.

Potential. The internet grows exponentially every day. More and more people have access to it. The Earth is leaning more and more towards digitization. It's plausible that one day everyone will be plugged in to the internet, one way or another.

With such positive influence to be had over the internet, there is no reason not to use internet advertising. With all the possibilities at a relatively cheap price, internet advertising looks to be the normal medium for advertising in the future.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Social Media And Marketing

In the world where work dominates life, it seems it's getting harder and harder for people to find any time to create any relationships with people within their own industry or even friends. In this new world of Internet, social networking websites seem to have replaced this need for many, by providing a social networking platform that can be used anywhere from a phone on the go or a laptop at home.

The fact the accessing the internet has become so easy and that you can get it on almost any device has taken the trouble out of communicating with others during our busy work filled days. Using a short break to reply to updates statuses or even just taking a moment to look at pictures from your friend's vacation, Face book has become a way of life for most. Sites like Face book and twitter are some of the heaviest trafficked websites throughout the globe. It only makes sense that businesses should find some way to market themselves within this online world.

Social networking has created a way for marketers to gain unexpected business leads. By gaining followers, creating online contests and giveaways marketers have found that having a direct link with the customer can be incredibly valuable to their success.

Some companies such as Fishbat will handle business relations using social media. Through search engine optimization, link building, and site promotion, companies such as Fishbat Marketing draw traffic from social media sites to businesses that are looking to grow.

Businesses do not grow without relationships, so making the right friends from a related business group can give better results. Good examples for social networking through Internet are websites like Face book and Twitter. These social media websites help businesses and individuals alike build relationships with any person. Expanding your relationships with social media sites will amplify your chances of making profitable business contacts.

Black Hat Search Engine Optimization

Black Hat Search Engine Optimization
by Takara Alexis

Black Hat search engine optimization is customarily defined as techniques that are looked down upon and used to get higher search rankings in an unethical manner. Black hat SEO techniques commonly include breaks in search engine rules and regulations. A lot of what is known as black hat SEO actually used to be legit, but some folks went a bit overboard and now these techniques are frowned upon by the general SEO community at large.

These black hat SEO practices will actually provide short-term gains for the website in terms of rankings, but if you are discovered utilizing these unethical techniques on your Web site, you run the risk of being penalized by search engines. Black hat SEO really is a short-sighted solution to a long-term problem, which is establishing a Web site that provides both a great user experience and all that comes with that.

Some black hat SEO techniques are to avoid are keyword stuffing, invisible text, and doorway pages: Keyword stuffing is basically packing long lists of keywords and nothing else onto your site which will eventually get you penalized and dropped by search engines. Using invisible text is when you put lists of keywords in white text on a white background. The idea is to attract more spiders to your website and gain a higher rank. However, this will just disappoint viewers when they see the content.

A doorway page is basically a fake page that is used purely for search engine spiders. Users will never even see the page; it is a weak attempt to index a site higher.

Black Hat SEO is tempting; after all, these tricks actually do work, for a short period of time. They do end up getting sites higher search rankings; that is, until these same sites get noticed and banned for using unethical practices. It's just not worth the risk. Use efficient search engine optimization techniques to get your site ranked higher, and stay away from anything that even looks like Black Hat SEO.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Possible Impact That Google+ Has On Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

The Possible Impact That Google+ Has On Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
by Takara Alexis

Although you can only join by invitation at this point, you've probably heard of Google+, Google's latest attempt to join Facebook and Twitter as a must have social networking tool. In the months before Google+ was launched, Google also began implementing the +1 button as a usable option for users to signify that they enjoy a specific site or page in an attempt to collect as much raw data as possible about the popularity and social value of sites and content before Google+ was rolled out for the masses. Preceding the Google+ and +1 button was the introduction of real time search, which was able to incorporate search results from Twitter, blogs and Facebook. Google, it would appear, is realizing the immense value of social media and the impact of social media on web search.

Search will continue to have a social element infused into it as the addition of the +1 button will change search results, as will live feeds from Google+ pages, much like Facebook "likes" and Twitter "tweets" are currently affecting search results by influencing user decisions due to their value as endorsements of certain sites and content.

Google definitely wants websites to implement the +1 button in their pages so that they could track and measure changes in click through rates. The +1 button will also be included on all SERPs as well as all Google+ feeds. What this means is business owners and marketers must ensure that a positive customer experience is, perhaps more than ever before, their primary focus in the hope that as many users as possible will +1 their site, and in doing so, endorse their business.

But perhaps the most interesting concept presented by Google+, and one that could potentially have a significant impact on SEO, is the "Google Circles" feature.

The "Circles" feature is interesting because it grants users the ability to share whatever they choose with specific groups, or Circles, of individuals. As Google+ users build their Circles, they will subsequently be able to see the sites that users in their circles have +1d in Google's SERPs. This has enormous potential - users will be far more likely to make a choice or purchase based on the recommendation of people they have invited to their Circles - people who they know and whose opinions they trust. Most users are going to be a lot more likely to trust the recommendation of someone they know rather than the recommendation or review from a stranger. Over time, Circles will become a lot more defined as more available user data is integrated into them - using that data to effectively market could be a powerful SEO strategy.

Basically, Google has taken the ideas behind many of their social media competitors more influential and successful features in an attempt to make search more about real people. Google+ and the +1 button are allowing users to influence online activity, and, as such, they'll have an effect on search results. How this will fully impact SEO remains to be seen, but the enormous potential of these features and their long term impact is fairly clear - site ranking methods are changing thanks to the +1 button and this will likely end up creating an altogether new method of SEO in the future.

Social Media And Music

Social Media And Music
by Takara Alexis

The internet has negatively affected the music industry through the growth in piracy using programs such as BitTorrent. While this has lead to a drop in album sales the rise of social media on the internet has had a positive impact on the music industry.

Social media lets users to communicate about their favorite bands and have more access to bands than they ever had in the past. Social media had lead to the rise of several bands in recent years which is a sure sign that social media has an effect of how bands are being discovered. The Arctic Monkeys, a UK band, rose to fame because of the popularity of their MySpace page. As more and more people went to the band's website their songs became more and more popular and word of the band spread. This type of success story is not a lone case. Social media and music work together in a special way. is a popular music site that encourages users to find new music. You can type in the name of your favorite band and find other bands with a similar style of music. also keeps track of what you have been listening to and makes recommendations based on that information. The groups feature on allows users to get together and talk about a certain band or musical style that interests them. This fosters a sense of community and people with similar musical tastes are able to communicate with each other and make recommendations to each other.

A recent music-focused social media program that is becoming more and more popular is Spotify. Spotify permits users to stream music and create playlists that can then be shared with other users. The service is free and in between every few songs there is a short commercial. The playlist share feature allows users to discover new music as well as share their favorite "hidden gems" with the rest of the world. Spotify recently integrated itself with Facebook and users can now share their favorite playlists on their Facebook profiles. Included on Spotify is a "buy" link so if you happen to like a certain track on a playlist you can be the proud owner of it within seconds. Spotify is gaining steam and will become more and more prominent as time goes on.

Social media and music are becoming more and more intertwined. People are typically very passionate about their favorite bands or artists and love the chance to express their feelings about a certain song or album with others. Social media is the perfect outlet for music fans and will keep evolving and helping the music industry create new stars.

Social Media And Marketing

Social Media And Marketing
by Tony Macari

In the world where work dominates life, it seems it's getting harder and harder for people to find any time to create any relationships with people within their own industry or even friends. In this new world of Internet, social networking websites seem to have replaced this need for many, by providing a social networking platform that can be used anywhere from a phone on the go or a laptop at home.

The fact the accessing the internet has become so easy and that you can get it on almost any device has taken the trouble out of communicating with others during our busy work filled days. Using a short break to reply to updates statuses or even just taking a moment to look at pictures from your friend's vacation, Face book has become a way of life for most. Sites like Face book and twitter are some of the heaviest trafficked websites throughout the globe. It only makes sense that businesses should find some way to market themselves within this online world.

Social networking has created a way for marketers to gain unexpected business leads. By gaining followers, creating online contests and giveaways marketers have found that having a direct link with the customer can be incredibly valuable to their success.

Some companies such as Fishbat will handle business relations using social media. Through search engine optimization, link building, and site promotion, companies such as Fishbat Marketing draw traffic from social media sites to businesses that are looking to grow.

Businesses do not grow without relationships, so making the right friends from a related business group can give better results. Good examples for social networking through Internet are websites like Face book and Twitter. These social media websites help businesses and individuals alike build relationships with any person. Expanding your relationships with social media sites will amplify your chances of making profitable business contacts.

Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization
by Justin Maas

These days every company is jumping into the world of social media. The problem is the company won't fully feel the benefits of social media unless they optimize their social media to work as well for them as possible. There are several ways to engage in social media optimization.

One effective way to perform social media optimization is to add functionality to your social media page. A company who sets up a plain and boring Facebook fan page is not utilizing the medium to its full potential. Adding features gets users engaged and drives new users to your page. RSS feeds, polls, contests, videos and pictures are all features that will get users engaged and prepared to interact with your company.

Another way to optimize your social media is to make sure you are listening to and replying to your users. If someone posts a problem on your wall or messages you a problem on twitter you need to reply in a timely fashion and not with a canned response. The responses should be personal and catered to the customer's problem. The strength of social media is the interaction it allows you to have with your customers. If you ignore this opportunity there isn't a reason to be on social media in the first place. Even if someone is posting a compliment and not a problem you should take the time to acknowledge them and say thank you, don't let your customers feel ignored. Social media allows your brand to become personable and tangible to the consumer, take advantage.

Social media optimization is also aided by content generation. Creating content for social media is vital to creating a viable social media plan. The content can't be boring, it needs to be interesting and shareable. If you can get your users to share your content you will expose your page to people who may not know about you or what you do. Driving this traffic to your page will increase your followers and increase your visibility. Viral content is sometimes difficult to produce, but when done properly the results are incredible.

Social media optimization is a task that takes time and is never finished. You need to constantly be on top of all of your social media and maintain your pages. The more optimized your social media plan the more effective it will be. There is always work to be done. Social media optimization is a difficult task, but it is one that is worth it.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Can We Solve Our National Debt

Can We Solve Our National Debt
by Takara Alexis

Our national debt has hit an all time high at $14.3 trillion, an amount that can no longer be ignored. Every year, Congress spends more money than the money brought in as income, which leads to a deficit in our national budget. To cover expenses and the spending habits of Congress, cash is borrowed and the total national debt is increased. To make matters worse, as the national debt increases the interest on the borrowed money begins adding to the total debt balance, pushing the nation further into financial hardship.

Each day, members of different political parties are lining up to fight for their proposed plan to manage the national debt. Republicans blame overspending on social programs such as Medicare and Social Security, while Democrats believe that under-taxation is to blame for the nation's financial calamity.

It is clear that Republicans and Democrats do not agree on the best long-term strategy for alleviating the national debt, but members of each party are apprehensive about raising the debt ceiling. Despite clear party lines, problems with taxation and federal spending are issues both sides are working to resolve. The economy will suffer greatly if no agreement can be reached about how to increase the federal income and how to balance the federal budget. Continuing on the current financial path is not an option that either political party is considering.

Regardless of which side of the political spectrum you stand on, some of the proposed ideas could leave all Americans paying for more and getting less in return. The idea of a National Sales Tax, has people of all income brackets fuming. The economy is fueled by consumer spending, so how would a "tax on consumption" be beneficial? The national debt may reduce slightly, over long periods of time, but consumer spending would slow and the number of people who need to receive government assistance for essential items may increase as a result. This idea appears to be a double-edged sword.

Along the same lines, eliminating or capping deductions for donations to charities may backfire and result in fewer contributions and an increased need for funding from the government. Reducing benefits for veterans or Social Security benefits may look like viable choices, but how will our respected elders pay for essential living items, and possibly the added national sales tax, when they earn so little each month?

The national debt is a government problem, brought about by years of inadequate budgeting and overspending. It is unreasonable to assume that the debt crisis can be fixed by imposing more restrictions and additional requirements to the citizens of America. It's also unlikely that without such measures, our national debt will be lowered to a manageable state. The compromise may be found in some realistic cut-backs and sensible added requirements we, as a nation, can overcome this financial collapse into debt.

Loans For Investment Property Acquisitions

Loans For Investment Property Acquisitions
by Takara Alexis

The key to building wealth through investment property is to purchase several assets using borrowed funds at the best interest rates and terms. Lending institutions offer numerous loans for investment property purchases, each of which has its benefits that might be suitable for the borrower's needs.

In this type of loan, an investor will use equity in an existing property to purchase and build other assets to create greater wealth. As a rule, the value of home equity must be at least 2-% of the value of the intended land purchase. This loan allows an investor to pay off his house faster and build assets through discipline and money management.

A variable loan charges an interest rate which fluctuates or changes according to market conditions. This results in fluctuating values of loan repayment. The investor could choose between a Principal and Interest (P & I) or Interest Only (IO) repayment plan. Under the P & I option, the borrower will pay a portion of the principal and corresponding interest throughout the loan's term. An IO loan means that the borrower will only pay the corresponding interest charges for a specified time, after which the principal and remaining interest fees shall be paid. A variable rate loan is the choice of investors who foresee declining interest rates during the term of the loan.

This type of loan protects investors against interest rate increases. The interest rate is commonly fixed for the first couple of years also known as the fixed rate term. At the end of the fixed rate term, the loan will assume a standard variable rate loan. Investors who foresee raising interest rates will decide to lock in the prevailing interest rate under a fixed rate loan.

Lo Doc is a type of loan that is suitable for investors or self-employed borrowers who are qualified to obtain a loan but are unable to provide standard proof of income such as pay slips or income tax returns. This works just like the usual variable rate or fixed rate loans.

A credit line, also known as 'evergreen' loan, does not have a set term and provides the investor access to funds up to the maximum approved borrowing limit. This is useful when an investor has built a reasonable amount of home equity, which may be used to purchase other properties for additional investment.

Lenders may offer other variations of loans for investment property acquisitions, each of which may suit different borrowers according to their needs. A mortgage broker has access to the best deals and interest rates that match the needs and circumstances of an investor.

Solutions For Each Type Of Debt

Solutions For Each Type Of Debt
by Takara Alexis

There are several strategies for dealing with debt - credit counseling, debt consolidation, etc. - and none of them fits every situation. How you decide to handle your debt depends on the amount and the type of debt you have. For example, you might choose a different strategy for credit card debt than you would for auto loan debt.

If all you have is credit card debt, you have some options, depending on how much debt you have and what you can afford to pay each month. Consumer credit counseling is a good option if you need a slight reduction in your monthly minimum payments. Credit counselors negotiate a lower interest rate and minimum payment on your credit cards, but they add a fee that can put your monthly payment closer to what you're currently paying.

Debt consolidation is another option for credit card debt, but may not be viable for credit card balances over $20,000. Consolidation involves paying off your credit card balances with a loan. However, getting a loan big enough to pay off credit card debt can be hard. Personal loans, which are usually unsecured, are only available up to $20,000. Beyond that, you'll need collateral to secure your loan. You can consolidate with a home equity loan, but you need to own a home and the equity in your home should be big enough to consolidate your credit card debt.

Debt settlement can be used on virtually any size debt because you will only pay part of the debt and ask the creditor to cancel the rest. You have to be ready to pay the full settlement amount once the creditor agrees to your offer. How fast you settle your debt depends on the size of your debt and how quickly you can come up with the money to settle your accounts.

Auto loan debt is different from credit card because the loan secures the vehicle. Credit counseling isn't an option for auto loan debt. You could try debt consolidation, but, that means you have to either qualify for a loan big enough to cover your car loan or you need to have enough home equity to pay off the car loan. If you are trying to consolidate an auto loan and credit card debt, you'll need a loan large enough to cover both.

Debt settlement isn't an option for auto loan debt unless you are willing to give up the car. In that case, you'd pay a settlement on the difference between what the lender auctions the car for and the amount you owed on your loan. Unfortunately, you have limited choices for dealing with payday loans. You can consolidate them along with other debt, settle them (but you will have to dodge the lenders for awhile), or you can include them in a bankruptcy filing.

Dealing with student loans is difficult. Since lenders know you can't bankrupt student loans, they won't accept a settlement payment. Consolidation is difficult, but can be done if you can get a personal loan or home equity loan large enough. If you apply for a loan specifically for student loan consolidation, you may have to qualify with more than good credit history. For student loans, it is typically best to work directly with the lender on a forbearance or deferment option.

You may have to use a combination of strategies to deal with all your debt. For example, take out a consolidation loan and use it to settle your debts. Or you can consolidate some debts and use credit counseling on others. Think through your choices and use the one that best fits your situation.

Monday, July 25, 2011

FTC Issues Final Policy Statement Regarding Collecting Deceased Debt

FTC Issues Final Policy Statement Regarding Collecting Deceased Debt
by Takara Alexis

The Federal Trade Commission has finalized a policy statement saying that the agency will not take enforcement action under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) or the FTC Act against companies that are attempting to collect the debts of deceased consumers, if the companies communicate with someone who is authorized to pay debts from the estate of the deceased.

The policy statement also emphasizes that debt collectors might not mislead relatives to believe that they are personally liable for a deceased consumer's debts, or use other deceptive or abusive tactics. Family members typically are not obligated to pay the debts of a deceased relative from their own assets. The FDCPA limits whom debt collectors can contact after a loved one has died to people such as the deceased person's spouse and the executor or administrator of the deceased person's estate.

Since the FDCPA was enacted in 1977, state probate laws have changed, and now, less formal procedures often govern the appointment or selection of those who are responsible for the disposition of the estate. In many cases, there may be no formal executor or administrator of an estate. In the enforcement policy statement, the Commission wants to reconcile the FDCPA's requirements with current trends in state probate law.

In keeping with the FTC's October 2010 proposed policy statement, the final policy statement specifies that the agency will not take law enforcement action under the FDCPA if a debt collector communicates about a deceased person's debts with that person's spouse, the executor or administrator of the deceased person's estate, or anyone else who is authorized to pay the debts from assets in the estate.

The final policy statement also states how debt collectors may communicate with family members and others to locate someone who is authorized to pay the deceased person's debts from the estate, and specifies that collectors can not mislead individuals into thinking that they have the authority to pay the decedent's debts when they do not.

It also specifies that, in trying to locate someone who is authorized to pay the deceased person's debts from the estate, collectors might not reveal or refer to the debts, but may say they wish to discuss payment of the deceased person's bills. Also, in keeping with the FDCPA's prohibition on unfair, deceptive, or abusive collection practices, debt collectors may not contact family members and others at unusual or inconvenient times or places.

The policy emphasizes that, in communicating with someone who is authorized to pay the debts from assets of the deceased person's estate, collectors need to avoid creating the misleading impression that the individual is personally liable or could have to pay using his or her own assets, or assets held jointly with the deceased person.

HOAs- Manditory Or Voluntary?

HOAs- Manditory Or Voluntary?
by Takara Alexis

Numerous homeowners living in these voluntary associations have been happy until in recent times, when some busy-bodies felt that it was time for changes. These people come together and claim it's time to change the community.

Especially in the Orlando area homeowners complained recently that they received letters from their board, claiming that the former voluntary association has been changed into a mandatory association, new deed restrictions have been established and you must pay your dues immediately. In a second and third letter threats of liens, foreclosures etc. have been added to these demands. And all under the cover of a majority vote.

According to some Florida Court Rulings this is not the way it works. If you are a member of a voluntary association you can't be forced without your agreement to become a member of a mandatory association. Don't let these busy-bodies threaten or intimidate you! They have zero right to do so. As long as the deed to your property doesn't say that your property belongs to a mandatory association, nobody can force you.

Numerous homeowners living in mandated properties would only be too happy to be able to get away from them. A lot of law-suits all over the nation are proof of all the existing problems. It appears very obvious that this program has failed the homeowners badly and is only staying alive because the industry is fighting like crazy not to lose their valuable cash cow.

These people will tell you how great the advantages are of being a member of a mandatory association. No pink houses in your neighborhood, no old cars in the drive-ways and no flag poles in the neighbors' front yard. And your property values will go up in no time!

What they definitely won't tell you is that your money can be used to sue you, that you'll be financially responsible for any of the association's liabilities and that other people, like these busy-bodies, have suddenly the right to tell you what to do and not to do on your own property. They will tell you that your dues will be used to improve your neighborhood. They will not tell you that often more than 50% of the collected dues will be used to pay industry partisans like management companies and HOA attorneys.

And in regards of mandatory homeowners' associations raising property values? Don't fall for this industry fairy tale! There are many examples which render this claim absolutely false! Texas Senate hearings revealed a recent study from Harris County, Houston, TX , which clearly proves that just the opposite is the case. Please see the well documented statistics at supporting documents. And in case of a planned resale the title companies' search will reveal that your property belongs to a mandatory HOA. And since more and more home buyers realize what HOAs are all about, it might even inconvenience your resale intentions.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Collecting Delinquent HOA Fees

Collecting Delinquent HOA Fees
by Takara Alexis

No one enjoys forcing payment plans, filing liens, or even foreclosing on their neighbor's house. But when homeowners do not pay their homeowners association fees, the rest of the neighbors have to pick up the slack through higher fees, special assessments, or reduced spending on community upkeep and amenities.

Just a few homeowners who stop making HOA fee payments can cut into an association's budget quickly. Annual HOA fees average $420 for single-family homes and $2,400 for condos, the U.S. Census Bureau says. If too many homeowners stop paying their HOA fees, lenders may be unwilling to make mortgages or refinance properties in the community. Fannie Mae, for example, can't guarantee loans in condominiums where more than 15% of the homeowners are 30 days or more overdue on HOA fees. That can hurt property values.

The sooner action is taken to collect past-due accounts, the better off everyone is. With 25 of the 200 units in foreclosure, the association waits only 60 days before telling delinquent owners that the HOA is going to place a lien against the title to their home. Consult your community association's attorney and read for yourself what the bylaws say you can do about delinquent homeowners. Weigh the costs of the actions your board could take.

Legal fees for letters demanding payment can run $200 to $500 per home, but each case is different. Suing a homeowner individually and trying to garnish wages to collect delinquent fees could cost $2,000 or more. Your community's attorney could be able to recommend a collection agency with experience working on HOA cases. Foreclosing on a homeowner who owes back dues can cost much more and will not result in payment unless the unit is worth more than the value of any mortgages and liens already on the property, plus attorney, home-sale, and court costs.

Offer a payment plan to owners in financial distress. Divvy up the delinquent amount into monthly installments. Many associations might try for a 12-month plan, but a six-month deadline with an option to renew seems to produce better results.

Many, but not all, states allow HOAs to sue homeowners for unpaid dues and then garnish the homeowner's wages or bank accounts. Taking a case all the way to trial could cost the HOA several thousand dollars. Having an HOA officer take the case to small claims court may be an option in your area.

Talk to your association's attorney about reverse foreclosure. Many communities in Florida are using a legal technique called reverse foreclosure to force banks to foreclose on unit owners who are making neither mortgage nor HOA fee payments. The move forces the bank to go ahead and foreclose on the unit. Once the bank owns the unit, it then has to make the HOA payments.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Look Out For Debt Reduction Scams

Look Out For Debt Reduction Scams
by Takara Alexis

In today's socio-economic scenario, credit card debt is out of control. Taking advantage of the situation, a large number of debt management agencies have popped up all over the internet. If you browse through the internet you'll come across a lot of sites promising to offer legal assistance to the debt stricken people. If you really feel that the burden of your debt has pushed you into a tight corner then of course you can look forward to the help and advice of any debt management firm. But prior to enrolling into any program promoted by those firms, you need to check the authenticity of their programs on different parameters.

Debt reduction agencies may bombard you with loud promises but as a responsible citizen it is your job to check if their promises are genuine. Fraudsters are always attempting to get your money and at the same time the cost of bankruptcy can also prove to be disastrous for you. So you will always have to proceed with measured steps, keeping your eyes open.

Check whether the company you're going to enroll with is accredited by the BBB (Better Business Bureau). When it's certified by such a reputed agency, you can put your confidence on them. Do not believe if you are told that the settlement company will minimize your credit debt by 60% to 70%. In most cases, the arbitrators of any firm try to lower your spiraling interest rates and other late fines and penalties. But if they make such a high claim even before assessing your financial status, it just shows that they are less than a trusted party.

You should also take it as an inkling of scam if they're claiming to have known some secret laws that will eradicate your financial obligation. You can suspect their honesty if they tell you that they would prove the credit contract as an invalid one or the credit issuer as an unauthorized party. No settlement agency can actually ensure you that you'll never face any embarrassing calls from your creditor in future. Now if any such promise is made to convince you, it is better to avoid those companies.

They may urge you to stop paying money to your creditor and all your money is put into their trust account. But in many instances debtors have been shocked to find that most of their money was absorbed by the settlement firm as their hidden charges. No money has reached their creditors which they had sent in good faith. Such cases will only aggravate your credit company to pursue their collection effort more relentlessly.

Finally, it will be unfortunate when you find that you have strapped yourself into more debts after enrolling in their debt reduction programs.

Why Are HOA Fee's A Good Thing?

Why Are HOA Fee's A Good Thing?
by Takara Alexis

HOA Fees are revealed to all home buyers prior to purchase. This term signifies that the builder/developer of the building or neighborhood legally filed some covenants, conditions and restrictions that run with the property and likely filed Articles of Incorporation and bylaws outlining the establishment of the Home Owners Association, their duties and voting rights.

The presence of an HOA will show up as an exception on your preliminary title report. Exceptions on the title report prove that there's some claim or limitation on property ownership. In the case of an HOA, the significance is that there are limitations to property use. Owners need to conform to the guidelines in the covenants, conditions and restrictions, which is sometimes loosely referred to as community rules.

When you order a set of HOA documents for review prior to purchase of property, especially newer property including condos and town homes, you could come to find that the HOA package is over an inch thick! The package will include all HOA documents of public records as well as minutes of meetings, financial studies, budgets and more.

Know that the financial stability of your HOA is important. In the event that cash reserves do not meet future obligations, there may be a special assessment levied on each home/unit. There are fee-based providers that will review HOA financial documents and provide an opinion of their stability.

HOA fees pay for upkeep, maintenance and amenities. Doesn't that seem easy? It is actually pretty complex. The HOA document package will outline the obligations of the HOA and the obligations of the homeowner. For the HOA to fulfill it's obligations it requires funding, and that is what HOA fees pay for. Various potential home buyers don't see the value in paying HOA dues. Yet, if people see that the fees are going to support the development and lifestyle amenities, it often makes sense. Building insurance alone is a huge expense for the association, as is a liability cost for insuring the common areas.

Establishing the amount of HOA fees is a fine balance, it needs to pay the current obligations and set aside reserve funds for repair and replacement expense. If the HOA is deferring maintenance items due to lack of funds or oversight, it can cost the homeowners much more in the long term due to increased repair expense. Failure to paint wood siding and seal it from moisture can cause decay. It's cheaper to keep it painted than it is to replace the siding!

Buyers, do your diligence on the HOA package. What do the fees cover? Do the items covered appear to be well maintained? If not, it may be a sign of deferred maintenance. Perhaps then look hard at the cash reserves and financial study in the HOA package. Deferred maintenance can be the precursor to a special assessment.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Saving On Gas - Up To 30%

Saving On Gas - Up To 30%
by Takara Alexis

Fill up the tank early in the morning. The temperature of the ambience and the ground is cooler. All of the gas stations have their deposits underground. So, since the ground is cooler the gasoline density is lower. The contrary happens throughout the day, because the ground temperature increases, and the carburators tend to expand. Therefore because of this if you will up your tank in the afternoon or evening, the liter of gas will not exactly be one liter but less.

In the petroleum industry, the specific gravity and temperature of the floor play a very important role. When filling up your gas tank don't squeeze the nozzle so hard to the max. According to the strength that you put on the nozzle, the velocity of the stream can be slower, medium or fast. Always choose the slower mode and you'll save money.

If it comes out slower, there is less fumes, and the majority of the fueling is gas. All the hoses return the fumes to the tank. If you press the nozzle all the way a percentage of the gas will be gas and a percentage will be converted into vapors, therefore the amount of gas will not be exactly what you paid for.

Fill up your tank before its below the middle line. If there is more gas in the tank, less air there is in it. Therefore the evaporation will remain at its least. Don't fill your gas tank while the gas station tanks are being refilled and not immediately afterwards.

If you arrive at the gas station and you see that there are big trucks with big hoses going underground to fill up the tanks or they are leaving, try to stay away from fueling in this particular station if you can. When the deposit tanks are filled, the remaining gas from before will be lifted and you can run into putting dirty gas into your car.

It is really good for people to be knowledgeable of this, because the gas prices these days are over the roof, and they keep on rising. Therefore, if you share this with your friends, you will do them a big favor in maybe helping them save a few bucks.

Investment Banking- Managing Your Investment Portfolio

Investment Banking- Managing Your Investment Portfolio
by Takara Alexis

When you have a certain level of wealth, you really need a professional who understands your unique needs and offers customized advice accordingly. If you are also on the lookout for something similar, you may want to use some services offered in private banking.

Private banking is actually a combination of different high quality services. For instance, a private bank can offer investment advice. They make use of various methods to manage your investments and finances in a much better way. They often make use of discretionary management and sometimes help you with advisory mandates. Whatever the method, they usually offer regular reports to help you get information about the current value of your investment.

Today, financial markets fluctuate at a quick speed. It is due to this particular reason that you need to react to the situation right away, or else you will lose a lot. You can expect great success by making use of the services like discretionary asset management. Here, your personal relationship manager sits down with you and discusses your specific investment goals and expectations. While doing so, they always consider your investment horizon, risk tolerance, anticipated cash flows, and income needs. Once done, an investment strategy is created for you, which is often adjusted according to the ever-changing marketing conditions. Typically, the investors who opt for this type of service come with long term investment point-of-view and ask a banker to take care of their investment portfolio.

On the other hand, you can locate some people who prefer to make their choices on their own. For these clients, a private banker comes up with active advisory services. When you have fixed objectives, you can make use of private banking to get tailor-made answers. These advisory services are usually available for a variety of instruments, including bonds, equities, commodities, investment funds, foreign exchange, and structured products. Here, you are able to make your own investment decisions, but your banker provides you with all essential details and info. Since several private banks manage teams of professionals all over the world, they let you know when they think the time is right to buy, sell, or hold.

What sets a private banker apart from others is that they always keep your personal and professional situation in mind. This puts them on the best path to find the right strategy to help you manage your portfolio. Not only this, some of these institutions could actually help you with private financing, which is a lot better than mainstream finance options.

The fact of the matter is that private banking is something much more than traditional banking services. It's all about getting services that are mainly designed to keep your unique circumstances in mind. It does not matter if you have short-term investment goals or you need to manage your portfolio over a longer period of time, you can always get in touch with a private banker to find out more about the best strategies for yourself.

Investing In International Equities

Investing In International Equities
by Takara Alexis

Investing is no longer bound to domestic markets and those investors seeking to take advantage of attractive opportunities have popularized global investing. In recent years, international investing has become both the norm and the necessity for a truly diversified portfolio that can help lower overall portfolio risk. An increasing number of individual and institutional investors have been increasing their global markets exposure to pursue their investment goals.

In the past several decades there has been a shift from investments in U.S. markets to foreign markets. In 1970, foreign markets represented 34% of the world's investment opportunities and by 2008 foreign markets represented 56% of the world's investment opportunities. It is estimated that by 2030, the U.S. market will only account for 25% of the world market and investments in global markets will increase substantially.

The two main driving factors that can explain the shift toward international investing are the investor's quest for diversification, reduced risk, and higher returns. Originally, when U.S. investors started opening up to foreign equities, it was mainly to increase diversification in their portfolios. Because international markets don't necessarily move in tandem with each other - some may go up while others go down - global diversification might potentially offset the effects of a downturn in the U.S. market.

The minor difference in returns can be attributed to many economic and market factors in countries around the world. But as a diversified bunch, the overall risk of any individual international market is lowered. For example, throughout the 1990s, the Japanese market experienced a market recession. Subsequently, Japanese stocks became heavily undervalued, leaving investors with attractive opportunities. Several years after, the Japanese market bounced back producing gains north of 60%.

One way to increase international exposure into your portfolio can involve simply a plain investment in an U.S. company that gets most of their revenue from foreign markets. In fact, most of the companies on the S & P 500 Index acquire most of their revenues from overseas operations.

Getting into the international markets space can be alarming for investors especially since they need to consider many factors that don't affect them such as the regulatory, political, and economic environments of those markets. Another way to invest internationally is to buy mutual funds or exchange-traded funds, which invest exclusively in foreign markets. Or consider a global fund which can have a mix of both foreign and U.S. stocks. These funds provide you with more diversification because they invest in an array of foreign equities.

Investing in foreign markets does carry its own set of risks. A foreign investment's return depends on the currency exchange values between say the U.S. dollar and the local currency of the foreign investment. For instance, for U.S. investors, currency exchange values could come about from a rise in the dollar's value against the foreign currency they are investing in. Nevertheless, investing for the long-term and diversifying with many international investments can help minimize currency exchange and other risks.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Is Shopping Adding To Your Debt?

Is Shopping Adding To Your Debt?
by Takara Alexis

Many Americans enjoy shopping as a pastime. Some proof of this is found in the fact that the average household in America carries a balance of $15,000 on their credit card. Does looking for the next unbeatable discount/deal establish happiness in your life?

If you depend on shopping to bring you pleasure, you could very well be a compulsive spender and might be at risk of creating overwhelming debt.

Marketers strive to convince consumers that they need their items. They target our desires for success, beauty and emotions to cause us to spend. A compulsive shopper is easy pickings for these experts to prey on. They take full advantage of these peoples compulsion to cover negative emotions when it comes to shopping.

While it is helpful to recognize what triggers the compulsive shopping, it is not necessarily needed to know that you are indeed a compulsive shopper. A few signs that will help identify a person, as being a compulsive shopper, is a large number of unnecessary purchases made and spending a lengthy amount of time shopping. If you have these two factors going for you, it is highly possible that you could get into out of control spending.

Another issue compulsive shoppers will eventually need to address, is the social connection to the spending. If this is a form of entertainment you share with friends, you will need to find new ways of enjoying each other's company. If you take the time to look, you'll find tons of options; parks, coffee houses, exercising, lunch, etc.

The potential of damaging credit rating is one of most crucial reasons to make sure spending is under control. Compulsive shoppers tend to be more focused on seeking the next great deal over focusing on the extent of the debt they are building. To refrain from destroying credit, we have to learn to responsibly manage our spending habits.

Rapid Recovery Solution is an attorney based debt collections agency that doesn't get paid unless you collect! For credit collection services or information on collecting commercial or consumer debts, contact RRS today!

Money Attraction

Money Attraction
by Takara Alexis

The most common desire seen in people that want to learn more about how to use the Law of Attraction, is that they want to attract more money into their lives.

The tighter you are with your money, the more likely it is that you are going to attract more reasons to be tight with the cash. Ever notice how when you are tight on your money, unexpected bills and expenses always seem to find a way to show up in the mailbox? Well, you attract what you think about most of the time, and when you are thinking about having to be tight with money, then you are more than likely also thinking about the bills.

Manifesting money requires a paradigm shift in the way that you associate feelings and money. If thinking about the bills all of the time makes you feel down and depressed, then you are also giving a subconscious signal that money is the reason for this. A part of you will probably begin to look at money as being the "root of all evil," so to speak, and you will start to attract bad financial conditions.

You should look at money for what it really is. A means of getting the things that you really want. The vacation that you dream about, the house that you want to own, and the car that you would like to drive.

Show appreciation when even small amounts of money seem to show up in your life. The snowball effect of this can be pretty wonderful at times. If you are truly grateful when you somehow find an extra few dollars show up in your life, the world seems to find a way to make more of it show up.

Of course, this is not magic, you're going to have to have reasons for the money showing up. But, when you are grateful for even small amounts, it tells the world that you are READY for more. It might take a while for it to show up, but when it does, it will be well worth it, wouldn't you say?

For the best debt collection quotes for FREE contact Rapid Recovery Solution! There is zero upfront fees and they are one of the highest ranked collection agencies out there, serving clients worldwide!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Employee Stock Options

Employee Stock Options
by Takara Alexis

In the start-up fad of the dot-com era, a lot of cash-challenged companies offered employees a piece of the future instead of current payroll or cash bonuses. That piece of the virtual profit pie - a stock option - had long been a method of compensation or bonuses for high-place executives.

Stock options might be one of the sole survivors of the dot-com crash. According to the National Center for Employee Ownership, 10 million American employees now have stock options, compared to just 1 million in 1992. An estimated 20-25% of public companies offer options to the majority of their full- time employees, and a few offer them to part-timers as well.

A stock option grants an employee the right to buy a specific number of shares in the company at a fixed price (also called the grant price) for a specific number of years. If and when the share price increases, the employee can exercise (or purchase) the stock at the lower fixed price, then sell it at the current market price, realizing a gain.

Stock options could be nonqualified (meaning it does not receive special tax treatment under the IRS code) or incentive (which do qualify for special treatment). When you exercise nonqualified stock options and then sell them, the gain is taxable as ordinary income. The issuer, which gets a tax deduction for the same total, can issue as many nonqualified stock options as it wants to employees, officers, directors, consultants and vendors.

Incentive stock options can be issued only to employees and typically must be exercised within three months of leaving the company. The grant value of incentive stock options issued in a year cannot exceed $100,000. If you wait two years to exercise the options and then hold the purchased stock for at least one year, you receive favorable treatment for long-term capital gains tax on all the appreciation over the exercise price. Exercise of incentive stock options and sales of the stock may have alternative minimum tax implications.

Because realized gains from stock options and the valuation of unexercised options that have had unrealized gains can be complex, you should seek the help of a tax consultant, particularly regarding incentive stock options, which can trigger the alternative minimum tax. Calculating tax impact also can provide guidance on when to exercise options, as taxes may take a considerable cut from your profits. Staggering exercises and sales over a period of time can spread the tax burden over several years.

Your financial goals for proceeds from stock options, the amount of time remaining to exercise them, your portfolio's concentration in your employer's stock and tax issues all come into play in determining the best time to exercise options. A financial professional can help you calculate these factors to take some of the mystery and emotion out of exercising stock options.